Register Your Pet
Complete the form below to register.
Appointment availability varies practice by practice at the moment due to differing staffing levels across the group. We will always endeavour to book you in at your first choice but if this is not possible we will try our best to book you into another site.
** Please note** if you have visited us in the last 12 months for a referral or an A&E appointment while registered at a non-Woodcroft practice, we will not be able to register you until 12 months has lapsed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Permissions and marketing
We'd love to send you exclusive offers and the latest information regarding your pet's health by phone, email, SMS, post. We may pass details to 3rd party companies such as Irecall/Chameleon who handle our vaccination reminders as well as insurance companies in order to help us to process their claims.
We always treat your personal details with the utmost care and will never sell them to other companies for marketing purposes. View our Terms here.