• 211126-Woodcroft-Handforth-045


Microchipping is a safe and permanent way of identifying your pet and is the best way to ensure that they can be returned to you if they are lost or stolen.

Many pets can be microchipped, including dogs, cats, rabbits and a variety of other species.

It is a legal requirement for all dogs over the age of eight weeks old to be microchipped and for you to keep your and their details up to date on the database. You can be fined if you do not ensure this is done.

It is also a legal requirement in cats, with a failure to do so by the time they reach the age of 20 weeks punishable by a fine of up to £500.

We also provide microchipping for other small animals.

Why microchip your pet?

At Woodcroft Veterinary Group, we recommend microchipping your pets as this is a great way to help them find their way home if they are lost.  Pets that get brought into us can be scanned to check for a microchip, and we can then contact you to let you know, and arrange getting your pet returned to you.


Mandatory microchipping for dogs

It became law to microchip all dogs and keep their contact details up to date with one of the registered pet databases, who collectively administer the microchipping scheme, in April 2016.  Breeders are responsible for microchipping puppies and must be recorded as the first owner of the dog.  All puppies must be microchipped by the age of 8 weeks old, and dogs must wear an ID tag on a collar.


Need your pet microchipping?

Speak to your local Woodcroft Veterinary Practice about microchipping today, or request an appointment.